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Plumbing Level 4

ID : 65861   
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G3 FastForward This is a G3 FastForward Grant Program: These programs are short-term training courses resulting in industry credentials for high-demand professions in our region. If you have been a Virginia resident for at least the past 12 months, you may be able to take this class for 1/3 of the full cost (FastForward price) or at $0 cost if you qualify for G3. See our G3 Financial Assistance Grant information. Please contact our office via phone (540-868-7021) or email prior to registering.

Plumbing Level 4 Apprenticeship Program Pricing:
  • Regular/Full Price: $3795
  • FastForward Price: $1265
  • FastForward plus G3 Price: $0
Course Description:

This class serves as the fourth year of training in the Plumbing craft. Structured as a hybrid class, a combination of online training and live classroom/lab training, students learn the following content: Business Principles for Plumbers; Introductory Skills for the Crew Leader; Water Pressure Booster and Re-circulation Systems; Indirect and Special Waste; Hydronic and Solar Heating Systems; Codes; Servicing Piping Systems; Fixtures, and appliances, Private Water Supply Well Systems; Private Waste Disposal Systems; Swimming pools and hot tubs; and Plumbing for mobile homes and travel trailers.

Class schedule provided the first night of class. Computer and internet access are required for this hybrid class.

Class Details

22 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Laurel Ridge Fauquier Campus

Darren McKinney 

CEUs : 14.5



Please read:  Class schedule provided the first night of class, dates listed are subject to change.

I am enrolling in this class as part of the New Economy Workforce Credential Grant Program (WCG). As a condition to receiving a grant, I agree to the following terms and conditions as specified on this site: WCG Release Form.



Call 540-868-7021 to register Send to Friend »

Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 06/19/2025, 06/19/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/6/2025 - 7/10/2025 Weekly - Thu 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM Warrenton, Laurel Ridge Fauquier Campus  Map, Room: STC Room 116 (Plumbing Lab) Darren McKinney 

Other Class Offerings

Plumbing Level 4
ID: 65864

08/07/25 - 01/22/26
Weekly - Thu
22 sessions.